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How to Begin Your Wedding Planning Process

· Wedding Planner,Singapore
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Once you have danced around the living room, called all your family and best friends, posted on the gram, and popped a bottle of bubbly (all of which are critical engagement rituals) you are probably wondering, now what? Before you dive in and book the wedding planning services that appear on Google, we recommend taking a pause. Today we’re sharing five first tips on how to start wedding planning. If you focus first, you’ll be more confident when you make vendor booking decisions.

Enjoy the newly engaged moment

You might be rolling your eyes at this obvious first step, but this beautiful time in your life is fleeting and precious. Breathe in and out all of the love and joy you are feeling before plunging headfirst into wedding planning.

Create a wedding planning board

Sit back with a glass of wine and create a vision board for your wedding utilizing Pinterest, Instagram and local magazines like ours! Start gathering ideas about your ideal colour palette, theme, and favourite details. Ask yourself what style of wedding would best reflect you and your partner’s personality and relationship. If you and your partner are laid back farmer’s market type folks, don’t let the pressure of throwing a formal black-tie wedding overwhelm you. Stay true to you!

Pick a range of the wedding date

We know you want to skip the boring initial steps and jump straight into cake tasting but slow your roll. Select your favourite season, month, day, and time before anything else. You’ll be saving vendors and venues a lot of time if you arrive with a date range that you are ready to lock-in. Keep in mind that the most popular local venues are often booked a year and a half in advance during the peak seasons of spring and fall, so flexibility is key to landing the best wedding planners in Singapore.

Budget like a boss

Sit down with your partner, parents, or wedding planners and discuss a realistic budget plan. Most couples end up spending more than they initially budgeted. Setting a budget will help you prioritize and make wedding planning decisions throughout your journey.

Communicate with your wedding planner

Decide who you want to be involved in planning your wedding and ask them if they have the time and enthusiasm. Clarity is the key to success and will result in less drama. Finally, finding an amazing wedding planner can make the difference between a dream and a nightmare wedding planning process.

If you need a same-day wedding coordination expertise, visit our website and let our experts help you today.