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Treasure at Tampines: 7 Questions to Ask When Buying a Floor Plan Unit

· Condominium,Real Estate

Have you been thinking about buying a floor plan unit in Treasure at Tampines? Perhaps, you are interested in getting a two-bedroom with a study area. Or do you want to buy now before the price increases? Or probably you are ready to downsize your house? Whatever the reason you might have, you will surely enjoy staying in a condominium. You see, most of these have a pool where you can swim anytime, and a fitness centre that allows you to lose weight all year round, most of all, it has a security system that protects you from burglars.

Like anything else new, the first dilemma you will encounter is your lack of knowledge. Since you have never bought a show flat unit in Treasure at Tampines or in other places, you probably do not know what to do. More so, what questions to ask as well as what things to look for. However, do not worry because this article can help you with all of that.

Here are the questions you need to ask yourself and the real estate agent.

1. Are you the condo type of person?

This question is the first thing you should ask yourself. It might sound confusing, but it means that are you ready to become a city-dweller? You see, most condominiums like Treasure at Tampines dwell around urban downtown areas. It means that there will be a lot of buildings established throughout the streets. You would most likely see a few grocery stores, bank branches, restaurants, and even malls. All of these make the surrounding of the condominium noisier and congested.

2. Is there any storage space available?

Most of the condominiums offer personal storage space to their residents. You will most likely get an attic or garage. However, you might not get anything if the condominium is in a townhouse. If you are too shy to ask this question, you can rephrase this to, where you can store your bike? Asking this question is one of the most no so obvious ways to figure out if there is storage space available when you buy their unit.

3. What does the insurance real estate cover?

All condominiums offer insurance in case something happens to your unit or the entire building. Thus, make sure to get a copy of this document. That way, you will know what the insurance policy will cover, and what you will shoulder. Make sure to take note of the estimates on how much the reconstruction will cost.

If the insurance policy is too confusing for you to understand, make sure to ask the real estate agent to explain all the details in layman terms.

4. Will I have to move in the next five years?

We all know how unpredictable the future is. You would never know what will happen, but you can decide yourself what you want to happen. Since buying a show flat unit in Treasure at Tampines is no easy matter, ask yourself thrice if you are willing to live and stay here for the next five to ten years.

5. Do I understand the terms and conditions of the association fee?

Even though all facilities and amenities are free to use, residents have to pay for their maintenance and repair. The monthly association fee depends on how many unit owners there are. Thus, before finalising your inquiry, get your hands on how much you have to pay for the association fee. Make sure to ask for the estimate and understand the terms and conditions. That way, you will know what will happen when you miss paying for one month worth of association fee.

6. What are the management rules and regulations?

Similar to your house rules, condominiums have rules and regulations, too. It consists of dos and don’ts that residents have to follow. In most cases, they do not allow residents to have pets or grow plants. Thus, to avoid violating anything, go over the rules and regulations and carefully remember them.

7. Has any litigation happened?

Life is full of drama, and so are condominium communities. Thus, before moving in, ask if there is any litigation that has happened. Knowing this allows you to determine what are the behaviours of your possible neighbour.

The Bottom Line

Buying a floor-flat unit in Treasure at Tampines is no small affair. It is a life-changing matter. The truth is, it can be an investment as good as getting a house. Thus, it is necessary to ask these questions to yourself and the real estate agent. That way, you can access and weigh your decision.

Now, have you decided to buy a show flat unit in Treasure at Tampines? If yes, and you are ready, dial (+65) 61001085 and the real estate agent will shortly be there in the other line in a few seconds.