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Ugly Duckling No More: How I Boosted My Self-Confidence With Acne Scar Treatment

· Beauty Care,Health and Beauty,Singapore

We all want to be physically beautiful. There is nothing wrong with achieving a perfect face or perfect body if it boosts your self-confidence. It was my dream to stride chin-up without being embarrassed.

We all have beauty standards, but on my standard, I wasn't beautiful. I was a cute kid when I was young. A lot of people were fond of me and found me adorable. However, when I hit puberty, all that's left me went into scrumble. At first, my acne appeared one by one. Some times on my cheek, then on my forehead. I was pretty okay with it since it is normal for teenagers undergoing puberty.

Before and during my period, two pimples flared up at the same time. Bright red on the tip of my nose and on my cheek. It started to bother me since my acne is much bigger and redder than my friends. It started to leave scars and dark marks. It was a nightmare for me whenever my pimple ruptures because I know it will leave a scar.

I tried different facial soaps and cleansers. I applied it all before bedtime; however, it escalated my face's situation. More acne appeared at the same time, all bright red. Almost covering my entire face. The acne breakout I had was unstoppable.

It was when the bullying started. Students from my school started calling me ugly, pinpointing all the scars on my face. Although I have my friends who comfort me, there were not always there to shoo away the bullies.

It really affected my self-esteem and academic performances. I sat on the farthest row in the class and slouched to hide myself from the teachers. I wasn't as active as before during the recitation. I stopped joining school clubs to avoid meeting new people. I was stuck with my old friends.

I brought my low self-confidence in college. I never hang out with different and new people that much. I invested all my time studying and working on my part-time job at a small Chinese restaurant near my dormitory.

As a service crew, it was not hard to catch side glares from customers. I avoided eye-contact with customers and kept my head low during my shift.

My boss was incredibly nice to me, telling me that self-worth isn't measured by physical appearance. She would encourage me and tell me affirmations that I am beautiful, and I do a great job.

When she found out one day that I was working for her to save money for my acne treatment, she began giving me free lunches to save more. I searched for acne scar treatment in Singapore online, and it gave me a lot of results. There were laser treatments for acne scars and laser pigmentation removal available in Singapore.

I was saving to get either laser treatment for acne scar or laser pigmentation removal. Both were popular acne treatment in Singapore at that time.

After a year of working as a service crew at a Chinese restaurant, and saving my money, I was able to get an acne treatment in a clinic in Singapore.

I underwent laser pigmentation removal in a clinic in Singapore. I had to calm my breakout first before going into the procedure. Once it all settled down, my doctor immediately started the procedure.

The procedure only lasted a few hours, but it will take effect four to six weeks after several sessions. My doctor used a laser to target pigments and blemishes on my face, including acne scars and sunspots.

The whole process was relatively easy and painless. The laser treatment for acne scars I had in Singapore had three sessions. After completing all the sessions, I started to notice my scars are getting lighter. My face also became brighter, and the skin looked healthy and vibrant.

It wasn't that long when my boss and my friends noticed the changes. The dark circles around my eyes were gone, and the skin texture of my face became smooth. No more bumps or crevices. They said that I kept getting younger and fresher every day.

After my acne treatment, I slowly regained my confidence back. I started to take care of myself more, wear makeup sometimes and dress fashionably.

I am not embarrassed to participate in university activities anymore or afraid of meeting new people. I am not scared of standing in front of many people when I am reporting for a class or even face a customer when they have concerns. I am now confident in my body and how I carry myself.

I wouldn't be here without the support and encouragement of my friends and boss. Dr. Valentin Low Aesthetic & Laser Clinic took a great part in transforming myself into a better and more confident me. Dr. Valentin Low Aesthetic & Laser Clinic provides acne treatments in Singapore, including laser treatments for acne scars and laser pigmentation removal.

Undergoing cosmetic treatment is more than just becoming physically beautiful, but being confident about how you carry yourself. If that will make us feel beautiful and confident, then don't be afraid to try one.