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Your Guide To Preparing For Laser Pigmentation Removal In Singapore

· Aesthetic Clinic,Beauty and Cosmetics,Singapore

If you want to get a pigmentation removed, your best bet is to look for a reliable clinic that offers laser pigmentation removal in Singapore. Consult a doctor to see how you can get rid of the pigmentation safely and efficiently. Plus, thanks to advanced technology, there’s no doubt that your doctor will do the best they can to succeed in removing the pigmentation.

However, while the doctor’s experience and skills play vital roles in your treatment, the efficiency of the laser pigmentation removal procedure is up to you. Prepare for the treatment, or else you will put yourself at risk of experiencing harsh side effects.

Lasers are a relatively new technology that doctors use to treat the skin without much penetration. For that reason, careful use of medical lasers is a must. Only trained professionals can utilise lasers for medical purposes. Other than that, you also have to take care of your skin for your laser pigmentation removal treatment to become successful.


Your doctor will instruct you to take care of your skin in many ways. Follow the instructions mentioned below unless your doctor says otherwise. Here are some tips to help you prepare for laser pigmentation removal.


Take a bath or shower! It is an obvious tip, but one that is required. You’ll be surprised to know how many people neglect to take care of their body before undergoing laser pigmentation removal.

However, besides taking a bath or shower, you also need to follow a few strict guidelines as well. One example is avoiding the use of creams and lotions. Since your skin will undergo extensive treatment, ingredients found in skincare products can affect the effectiveness of the laser. As a result, applying any skincare products before going through laser pigmentation removal treatment may have dire consequences.

Another thing to remember is to shave excessive hair. Any present hair on the targeted area of your skin could affect the laser pigmentation removal treatment. It is highly advisable to shave your hair to make sure the procedure will go smoothly without any interference.


Besides using skincare products, exposure to the sun can affect your skin, making it risky to undergo laser pigmentation removal. The point is that anything that will affect your skin before the treatment may cause some side effects, sunlight included.


Your facial skin is sensitive to developing pigmentation. Unfortunately, smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of pigmentations, which is why you need to avoid smoking before the laser pigmentation removal treatment takes place.

Smoking causes a delay in the recovery process of any present wounds. If you smoke before going through the laser pigmentation removal treatment, it might take a while before your skin fully recovers from the procedure. Not to mention, smoking can make you look older by speeding up the ageing process, so try to avoid smoking altogether to have more youthful skin.


The mentioned tips are just some of the things you need to do before going through laser pigmentation removal treatment. Other than that, your doctor will instruct a few safety measures, and maybe require you to take oral prescriptions if necessary.

After the laser pigmentation removal treatment, you will also need to take care of your skin so you can fully recover. Here are a few post-treatment guidelines that you should follow.


As mentioned earlier, your doctor may prescribe you with painkillers or oral medication to soothe the pain. Although the laser pigmentation removal procedure is mostly harmless, you might experience bruising, swelling, and blisters on the targeted area of your skin.

In case you feel any pain after the treatment, take prescription painkillers. It may not be as extreme as you would expect, but the slight discomfort may be a bit frustrating, so take some painkillers just in case.


Yes, you have to avoid exposing yourself to the sun again if you want to recover from the laser pigmentation removal treatment as soon as possible. Overexposure to the sun can disregard all the positive effects of the laser procedure, so avoid going outside when you can.


When taking a bath or shower, only use mild soap and lukewarm water to take care of your skin. Harsh soaps contain ingredients that can slow down the recovery process, so avoid using them at all costs to protect your skin.

These are just some of the many things to remember before and after undergoing laser pigmentation removal in Singapore. For more information about the said treatment, visit this website and get in touch with Dr Valentin Low.