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Why Is Web Design Important to Digital Marketing

· Web Design,Software,Singapore

Every company needs to differentiate between focusing on a website that brings in a lot of traffic and one that brings in a lot of conversions. I have always thought that conversions would only be brought in by my business developers. However, I realized that the same approach applies to the difference between a good-looking website and a well-designed website.

After some hits and misses with my sales team and business development, I learned that these are two completely different things. Like many other elements, web design in Singapore affects conversion rates on a large scale, especially with consumers putting such a strong accent on the visual aspect today. The fact is that a quality website design can only be beneficial for your brand. Keep reading to find out the seven crucial ways in which my web design helped my business' conversion rate

What is the connection between digital marketing and web design?

Despite popular belief, having a website that is pleasing to the eye is not the culmination of one’s digital marketing efforts. It is most definitely important, but only when in cohesion with other elements. Remember, your website presents the crossroads where your search engine optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), and social media meet. It should present a united front that people will be able to understand at a glance while appreciating the simple way you present it all.


Structuring the pages on my website in a transparent and user-friendly way is essential for a design for conversions. People that come to our websites should feel comfortable with the overall structure of your website. Also, they should be able to easily find all the information they need about your products or services. Therefore, you always have to take into consideration the big picture – how your page answers the initial question while pointing potential buyers towards other relevant pages.

Your structure needs to be logical and to-the-point. Otherwise, you will find a whole lot of people giving up before making a purchase.


Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.

A responsive website design increases sales due to the simple fact that it is adaptable to the 50% of consumers today that use mobile devices. Responsiveness is a ranking SEO factor in the eyes of search engines like Google and Bing. Despite this, you will still find countless websites that are not mobile-friendly.

My point here is simple. If people come to your website over their phone and they need to zoom and pinch, you’re losing conversions. You do not want to exclude such a large base of potential customers. Make sure that you design your website in a way that will also increase conversion rates on mobile devices.

Design for mobile devices

Before you ask me, having a design for mobile devices is not the same as having a responsive website. We already mentioned that over fifty per cent of users today are mobile. That means that the design for your mobile device website version needs to have a conversion-optimized approach. And the steps to this are simple enough:

Web design affects conversion rates through readability

People need to be able to scan/read the content on my website to identify me as the number one brand. That means that the design of the content on your website can’t give them headaches. You can achieve this by choosing simple and professional fonts while leaving enough spacing in between the lines to make everything easy to skim through.

Most users today waste little time reading through every word, which is why successful businesses opt for a simple and blunt approach. Otherwise, people won’t even bother to scan through your site, let alone read the content on it.


Although a logical principle of conversion-based website design, you can never accent the importance of aesthetics enough. It is the first thought that comes to the minds of people with a website redesign. It’s like renovating your home – you expect new colours, contrast, a complete turnover.

Finally, embrace white space to ensure your web design affects conversion rates

As I mentioned earlier, enabling site visitors to easily scan your web pages is important. And this is where using the white space between content can do wonders for your conversion-optimized design. By using white space properly, you can highlight special offers, calls to action, cornerstone content, high-conversion images, etc. Cluttering your web pages with colours and images can prevent people from seeing what matters most and turning them off.

Don’t neglect the importance of high-quality web design. My contemplation of how web design affects my conversion rates is one of the most significant realizations I've had this year. Never forget that your website is an online store – one of the finest sales tools available to you today.

If you need a website development team in Singapore, I highly suggest you go with Pixel Mechanics. They helped me with my website, and now we're booming!